Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Question and Answer

I just overheard this conversation.

Lindsay: Rusty, you don't like boobies?
Rusty: No.
Lindsay: Well, that's why Heavenly Father didn't give you any.

That's funny!


Melanie said...

That's SO funny!!! It reminds me of their conversation I overheard when they were taking a bath! Your kids CRACK me up!!!

Linnea said...

That was the conversation where Lindsay told Rusty, "Daddy has a big wiener" and Rusty enthusiastically responded, "Yeah!"

Linnea said...

It seems like we have a lot of body part conversations. If it's not about body parts, then it's usually about things that come out of body parts like: poo, pee and tooters. How come I STILL think that's funny?