I went over spelling words with Haylee just before bed and I used the words in sentences. 'More'. I would like some more apple crisp please. 'Wind'. Who has seen the wind blowing through the apple trees? 'Made'. I made an amazingly good apple crisp tonight. She thinks I'm hilarious. :)
I saved a few apples for Haylee to peel when she got home from school. I remember using the apple peeler when I was a kid and I thought it was so cool. Some things never change. Lindsay and Rusty took turn after turn this morning. Then they took the strings of apple peel, wrapped them around their heads (yes you read that right) and into their mouths and walked around eating and playing with their food. It's like the longest spaghetti strand ever, only better.
Haylee led us in our Family Home Evening. The lesson was on tithing. She is so cute. Just a responsible little leader. She probably drives Lindsay and Rusty crazy, or she will, because she is such a good kid. :) Hopefully they will all be responsible little leaders each in their own unique ways because they are all such good kids, just in their own unique ways. Sometimes in very unique ways.
Allie is just fat and sassy. Well, fat for my babies. I can't resist her thighs. They are so squishy. Anyway, it's late and I'm extremely tired but I've been meaning to write more about our day to day lives so that when I'm old and gray, I can look back on this time of my life and enjoy it over and over again.
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