Sunday, September 04, 2011

Tonight we all went on a walk, the whole family, dog included.  There was nothing special about our walk.  It was hot and I was sweaty.  Boone barked at all the other dog owners walking their dogs.  Lindsey walked half of it barefoot.  Allie fell on her face.  Rusty wanted to ride in the stroller the whole time and Haylee wanted to walk by her dad.  It was a typical family outing.  But all those typical happenings are what made tonight special.  We all looked at the beautiful pink sunset.  It was pretty amazing.  We stopped at the park and the kids played for a few minutes.  The kids took turns catching Allie at the bottom of the slide.  Rusty did the monkey bars.  I tried, unsuccessfully I might add, to do a pull up and a chin up.  Russ had dog duty.  (Get it!)  And we created a family moment, a beautiful memory.  I told Haylee that I remembered taking walks with my parents and sisters on Sunday nights, just like we were doing.  I remember those things.  And I think it's pretty cool that we are creating those little moments that turn into sweet memories.

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